Get Your Dream Job Fast, and Start Earning the Life You Deserve

Dear Friend,

When you first applied to PA school, you had one goal in mind, and it wasn't to pass the PANCE. Whether you're an evil capitalist and you want to get your hands on that cold hard cash, or you want to work in a refugee clinic saving the world, you have the same goal: Get a great job!  

As students, we all dream of the beautiful day when we stop hemorrhaging money and start contributing to our futures, our families, and our communities. 

I've been talking with a lot of new grads (and a few older PAs) who've been struggling to find work lately. I spoke with one new grad, Michelle, who applied for twenty-six jobs without a single response. She'd spent hours filling out applications, and "I wasn't getting anything. It was pure silence."

Then, finally, she did get a response from application number twenty-seven. A demoralizing,

"We don't hire new grads."

The conversation took us a little further along, and I learned that Michelle had a two-month-old at home. She had just moved across the country and was living with her in-laws because her husband was out of work.

After 27 applications, she was getting desperate. Michelle had purchased the Dream Job Package months before, and she'd gone through it. Because the approach is a little different, she decided to stick with the way everyone else does it. But now things were different. It took her this long, but she was ready to try something new.

"When that happened, I got results. Literally, the very next day."

Michelle had a phone interview with a surgeon the following afternoon. He called her from his vacation! Excited by her success, she went back through every tactic set out in the Dream Job Package on interviewing, and she nailed it! In a few days, she had a job offer in her hands.

I'm hearing more and more sad stories about PAs having trouble finding jobs. Job postings with 100+ applicants. Indeed, postings with over 500 applicants. Standing out in a crowd of 500 applicants is like finding a four-leaf clover in the middle of the Sahara Desert.

You can avoid these issues with a little elbow grease and the right approach. I can show you how to find the "hidden" jobs and choose the right position for you and your career. I can teach you how to knock their socks off in an interview and make it as if you're the ONLY applicant for the job. And when you're the only candidate they're interested in, everything else becomes a lot easier (including the salary negotiation).

Just so you know my track record, I have never once been turned down for a job I've applied for. Not once, and it isn't because I'm so charming. It certainly isn't because I've been qualified or had the right skills. In fact, I've been underqualified more often than not.

It's because I've got a system that works. For example, there's a three-part approach that I use for the job application that will have them salivating over you before they even meet you. I also have a precise method for transforming the entire interview into a game you will win every time. By the end, they'll be trying to SELL YOU the position.

You can find all of my schemes, plans, systems, and philosophies on getting a job and starting a career inside the Dream Job Package, which just so happens to be available right now. The Dream Job Package is a complete system for finding and landing an awesome job with a generous starting salary. I walk you through the ENTIRE processes, and together, we'll have them eating out of your hand.


Don't think for a second that you've heard this before. Don't think for a second that your school has gone over resumes with you, and that's good enough. Unless you want the same lackluster results Michelle was getting, and you want to go up against hundreds of other applicants.

If you want to stand out like a peacock at a pigeon convention, keep reading. In just a second, I'm going to tell you what you'll physically get when you order the Dream Job Package, but what you physically get isn't even important. What matters here is the ideas and skills you're going to walk away with.

As part of the Dream Job Package, you're going to get three of the most popular back issues of the Physician Assistant Exam Scholars Newsletter.

PAES Newsletter Issue #04 “Land Your Dream Job - With no More Work than Ordering a Pizza”

Issue #04 covers finding the RIGHT job. No one talks about what's a good fit for you and your family. Choosing the right specialty and position will make a huge difference in how your life turns out. I'm going to walk you through that incredibly important decision, and then I'll show you how to find a job you'll love every day. No other method out there comes close to what I'm going to show you.

Once you've found something, we implement my three-step process for all but ensuring you get an interview. I'll show you exactly what to do. I've even included scripts and my resume in here so you can see exactly what I did.

PAES Newsletter Issue #05 “Reel That Fish in And Start Getting a Paycheck”

Issue #05 covers how to ace the interview and make sure you leave with a job offer in hand. Michelle is a self-proclaimed "shy" person, and she rocked it using this technique. There are a few keys to unlocking the job interview, and with a little knowledge and forethought, you'll be able to use those keys.

It isn't that hard to ace the interview process, but every day I'm stunned by candidates falling flat on their faces. I've had a lot of experience hiring PAs, and I talk every day with surgeons who hire PAs. Just this week, I was helping a sports medicine doc with an ACL repair. He's looking to hire a new PA, and his exact words to me were, "There are a lot of PAs out there, but it's tough finding a good one." If you are one of the good ones, in issue #05 I teach you how to shine during your interview.

PAES Newsletter issue # 32 "How to Have Them Drooling Over You With Even Less Experience than a Common Garden Gnome. Getting a Job Without Any Experience

Issue #32 of the PAES newsletter dispels the myth that you can't get a job without experience. Poppycock, I'll hand you the word-for-word scripts for how to deal with that, no problem. I know because I've seen it from both sides. Right out of school, with absolutely no experience whatsoever, I landed a job at a very prestigious orthopedic practice.

More recently, I helped hire a new grad right out of school for a position that normally requires five years of surgical experience. I'll tell you all about why we hired her and how you can do be that kind of candidate. I promise you have plenty of experience. What you need is confidence and a way to frame what you've got. In Issue #032, I show you how to do that.

Inside these very special newsletters, you'll learn:

  • Job boards are the worst place to start your job search. Going up against 100, 200, or even 500+ applicants is a loser's game. I'll show you where to look and how to find your Dream Job. If your school teaches it my way, I'll eat my shirt.
  • The three-step method I use for getting an interview and landing a job. This won't work every time, but it will improve your odds.
  • A perfectly honest and powerful way to rearrange your resume to make you look like the perfect candidate.  You’re going to have them dying to meet you. 
  • A simple process to get your resume on top of the stack, even if that stack is pretty darn tall. This little bit of work will put you in the top 5% of applicants, even if you have no experience.
  • The single worst mistake that schools are teaching about cover letters and resumes and how it forces you to be weak and needy. I'll show you how to take control of the process so that you're the one running the show.
  • Exactly when and how the decision on hiring you gets made and how to influence that decision in your favor with only three minutes of work on your part
  • How to turn tin into gold.  Yes, we are going to be performing alchemy. We’re going to take the weakness and lack of experience you have and turn it into a package that employees will find irresistible.
  • How I helped a good friend of mine get a job in multi-specialty without any multi-specialty experience even after she told me, it could never happen. 
  • The number one thing EVERY single interviewer wants to talk about. Even if you do everything else wrong, bringing this up might save you.
  • Exact scripts for how to approach a job application. Swap out your name and the name of your potential employer, and you'll be set. This is an approach you've never even considered, and it can be the difference between getting a job you love and taking anything out of desperation.

I'm also going to show you the most common mistakes that ruin a candidate's chances of getting a job interview (And how to easily fix them), five things that will sink even the best candidates on a job interview before they walk through the door, the innermost thoughts and desires of the people looking to hire a PA, and the one thing you absolutely must do during your interview if you have ANY chance of getting a job offer.

You'll be collecting that cold hard cash in no time once you see

  • How to access the presumed 87% of jobs that never get posted anywhere. These jobs are known as the “hidden job market,” and it's a massive chunk of the available positions. We've got an open position on my team right now, and at this very moment, it's part of that 87%. Can you imagine what the opportunities will look like when you go from seeing only 13% of available jobs to seeing 100% of them?
  • Exactly what I wrote to land my orthopedic surgery job right out of PA school. Once they saw it, they brought me right in for an interview. I'm going to give you a copy of that resume and cover letter.
  • The worst thing you can ever put in your cover letter. The good news is that almost everyone else makes this mistake, so if you don't, you'll start the interview process from way out in front.
  • What you can put into your resume to make the interview process a breeze. You can go from a tiny little person begging for a job to the candidate they're tripping over themselves to hire. I'll show you how to control the entire process. This tactic is for the interview, but you set it up when you write your resume. (man, this one is so good)
  • Exactly what to say on the phone. I've included detailed scripts for you to make it as easy as possible. Yes, you'll have to pick up the phone and talk to a live human for this one. You can't hide behind your computer and HOPE someone gives you a job. Getting the right job will take some work, but I think I've made it as simple as I can.  
  • How to ace your interview and show them that you are THE candidate for the job and walk out the door with a job offer in hand.  

And so much more like: How to deal with failing the PANCE on your resume or at a job interview, why the experience you have doesn’t matter a bit, how to create the perfect mouth-watering resume without lying a bit, what to “sell” during your interview and a sure-fire way to sink your chances both on your resume and during an interview.  

Oh, don't worry, there's more. You'll also learn:

  • My word-for-word advice to a PA who feels stuck in Primary Care and is trying to break into surgery.  He’s gotten the door slammed in his face and can’t seem to make the transition without experience.  Not to worry.  We’ve got a few things that, if taken to heart and applied with enthusiasm, just might do the trick.   
  • Two words everyone uses in an interview that decimate their chances of getting an offer.
  • How to ensure your Rockstar Status when it comes to the interview. The interview is all about prep work. I'm going to show you what you need to know BEFORE walking through those doors that will knock their socks off.
  • Three things you need to get across to the interviewer as quickly as possible. 
  • A sneaky way to set yourself up with softball interview questions that you can hit out of the park and make yourself look like the perfect candidate.  Short of mind control powers, this is the best way to ace an interview. Coincidently, in Michelle's interview (Bonus #3), she explains exactly how she used this technique for the first time and was stunned at how well it worked.  
  • Nine tough interview questions and scripts for how to handle them. It's easy to hit a curveball if you know it's coming.  After reading this, you'll be upset if they DON'T ask you any hard questions.
  • Every interviewer will ask you if YOU have any questions. You can either do what everyone else does and fall flat on your face saying, "hmm. No, I can't think of anything right now," or you can use the six questions I've got inside you that will make you the obvious choice for the position. If you can master this very common section of the interview, you might get the job.
  • The one question you absolutely must NOT ask during the interview. 
  • Interviewing tips directly from surgeons who are interviewing candidates right now. Working with these folks day in and day out, I get to listen to them complain about the candidates that show up for interviews. You might think this doesn't apply to you, but so did all of those deadbeat candidates I hear about.

Phew, and that's just the newsletters.

The Dream Job Package also includes a ten-part video series I've created to answer a plethora of questions about finding and getting your Dream Job. These videos are delivered through the PAER app, making them easy to watch or listen to on your phone. Here's what's inside:

  • Video 1 - "First Things First" - Your approach matters. You know this already, but we all can use a little refresher.
  • Video 2 - " When to Start Looking" - One of the most frequent questions I get is, "When should I start looking for a job?" Your circumstances are an important factor here, but there is an optimal time.
  • Video 3 - "The Bloody Truth" - The harsh reality of graduation and seeing your first patient. I explain all the ins and outs and what to expect.
  • Video 4 - "The Downside of Freedom" - The good news is that you get to choose a specialty and a career path. The bad news is that you get to choose a specialty and a career path. Don't accept any old job because it's available. You can do better. In this video, we'll discuss how to choose.
  • Video 5 - "Don't Think $$$" - I won't tell you money isn't important, but I will tell you something more important that I'm always looking for in a job.
  • Video 6 - "This is important" - Get your career started on the right foot. This can make all the difference down the road.
  • Video 7 - "The Only One Applying" - It's easy to look better than everyone else if you're the only one applying for the job. I'm going to show you what Michelle did and what you can do to avoid fighting 500 other applicants. It's easy to win if you're the only person playing the game.
  • Video 8 - "Take Your Resume From an A to an A+" - Write your resume like this, and you'll wind up on top of the pile rather than lost in the middle.
  • Video 9 - "Get the Easy Stuff Right" - There is a ton of low-hanging fruit in an interview that most people just don't take advantage of. "Will they ask me about x-rays or ECGs?" Who cares? If you nail this part, none of that will even matter.
  • Video 10 - "Last Things Last" - You've done all the heavy lifting. You've done all the hard work. Now, get the job offer.

The videos are short (under ten minutes) and cover a specific theme, so they're easy to watch or listen to with the PAER app. If you put the time in to consume the videos and the newsletters (not just buying them and putting them on a shelf. That isn't going to help anyone. You might as well not bother buying it in the first place), and you work the systems I layout, you'll have a much easier time finding and getting what you want. Those 10 videos are plenty to get you started while you wait for the newsletters to come in the mail.

I wish I could guarantee you success. I cannot. You must take the ideas inside to heart and after that, put in the work to get the systems to work for you. I'm confident that you'll have no trouble getting what you're after if you do that.

Get Started and Get Better, 

Brian Wallace, PA-C

"I’ve started looking for a new job too so I ordered your latest scholars letter for July to help again with resume and cover letters (I haven’t reviewed that stuff since my first job 5 years ago). It is loaded with gold for me."

- Amy, PA-C

"By the way, the “Dream Job” series was amazing!

You help paint a picture on the things new grads miss when applying for a job."

- Ryan PA-S

"I am most excited to share with you that I purchased the July and August 2018 issues from PAES about landing your dream job and followed your instructions to the T; exactly like you said I landed my dream job and the funniest thing about it is I never applied for the position because it did not exist yet! I was given the contact info for a local orthopedic private practice and reached out with your template of the introduction letter and this was the response I received:

'Hi Michelle.
Thanks for reaching out.
Coincidentally, we do have a need for an orthopedic pa and were just about to put an ad out.
I'd love to speak with you more and discuss our opportunity with you.
Do you have time this pm?'

You are awesome! Thank you for all your hard work and dedication! You're changing lives Brian."

- Michelle, PA-C

"The last issue helped me tremendously with the job hunt. Thank you for everything that you do! "


"I’ve been a member of Exam Scholars for few months now and gained some amazing tips. Your materials helped me destroy my PANCE few weeks back, and I’ve enjoyed concepts that’ll use for my job search and interviews in the upcoming months."

- Mariolino, PA-C

Just following up after purchasing the dream job package over a month ago. I have been able to access the video content and have gotten through it (excellent stuff!) Always appreciate your content and help. Happy new year, and thanks in advance!

- Allison Farrell, PA-C

Because of you, I have a job interview on Thursday for pediatric general surgery. Thank you for all your help.

- Kara

Thank you for the dream job package! Loving the material and excited to watch more today!

- Ry H.

Hi Brian,
I’ve gone through most of the dream job material including the newsletters and the videos on the app and I have found them very helpful!
Your material has been extremely helpful because I was getting very frustrated with the job search and you have given me more hope that I’ll find a job that I love sooner rather than later!
Thank you so much,

- Erin, PA-C

I GOT THE JOB!! I am so excited, and I can't thank you enough for helping me. You gave me the confidence I needed walking into that interview. So thank you so much, and thank you for everything you do for the PA community. You make a difference in so many students/PAs lives

- Allison Farrell, PA-C

Check these out!

Bonus #1

Unlock Your Potential: Seven Essential Training Videos for Advanced Learners

Yup, I'm adding seven advanced training videos to the series to really lock it in and get your career jumping. All of the videos are offered through the PAER mobile app for easy viewing or listening. You can access these immediately and get started even before the mailman brings you the printed material.

  • Video #1 - Let's talk about your competition and how to beat them.
  • Video #2 - How to create, yes create, your Dream Job out of thin air. I've helped make this happen over and over again. You can do it too.
  • Video #3 - How to crush it as a new grad.
  • Video #4 - How to think differently to create your very own path to success.
  • Video #5 - How do you go about the job search? I'll show you the best way.
  • Video #6 - A key factor in landing a job that most people (including me) don't want to do.
  • Video #7 - A sneaky trick to create rapport fast. People like helping people they know and like. This will help you build that relationship in just the first few seconds.

Bonus #2

Two New Grads Share Their Success Stories!

  • Logan was a new grad struggling to find a job. He and I spoke for about 45 minutes. During that conversation, we found some common mistakes in what he was doing and came up with action steps to get him moving in an easier direction. He graciously gave me permission to share that incredibly valuable conversation with you.
  • Michelle had passed her PANCE and delivered her first child a week later. Seriously. Then she moved from California to Florida. She had no prospects for work and no connections. Her husband was out of work, and they were living with her in-laws. She was desperate. She sent out 27 applications with only a single response (that was, "We don't think you're a good fit. Then she put the Dream Job to work. She landed a job at an orthopedic practice 8 minutes from her home a few DAYS later.

I know it sounds unbelievable. That's why I was so excited when she said I could release this interview in order to encourage people to use the methods I demonstrate in the Dream Job Package. Michelle will walk you through exactly what she did and the methods that she used to go from desperate and clawing to landing her Dream Job in just a few days.

Bonus #3

A Roadmap to Success: A Recorded One-on-One Coaching Call to Help a New Grad Ace an Interview

I rarely do one-on-one coaching calls, but a new grad asked me how to handle a particularly sticky situation. This wasn't something we could do over emails. I happened to have a few minutes available, so I set up a call with her, only asking that she let me give the interview to the community.

You'll get to listen in as we unpack this one. Now you might not find yourself in her situation, but the ideas and techniques we discuss are surprisingly transferable.

Bonus #4

Access to the one-hour presentation I gave last weekend on nailing the interview.

This presentation was given to pre-pas looking to ace the PA school interview. You won't have to read between the lines much here. The interview process and goals are the same whether you're looking for your first job, your 100th job, or you're trying to get into PA school.
This was a ton of fun, with some great questions from the attendees, like what not to ask, how to bring up difficult topics, and more.

Bonus #5

A group coaching session with yours truly

Anyone who gets the dream job package this weekend will also get to be part of a coaching call I'll host to go a little deeper and answer any of your questions. These sessions are great place to get your specific questions answered and learn a more in-depth application of the process I provide in the Dream Job Package.

Get the Life You've worked so Hard For.

I know it isn't easy. I also know that you've made it this far, so you've got what it takes.

I can't guarantee your results. But I can guarantee that you will learn ways to look and land a job that no one else is teaching. You'll learn methods that will put you well ahead of your competition and in some cases, completely remove your competition from the game.

Dream Job Package

You'll get all the tools, techniques, and scripts to get find what you're looking for AND stand out as THE BEST candidate regardless of experience.

  • PAES Newsletter Issue #04 "Land Your Dream Job" - Covering the job search and the application process. For heaven's sake, branch out from the job boards.
  • PAES Issue #05 "Reel That Fish in And start Getting a Paycheck" - Covering nailing the interview and getting that job offer. They are going to be drooling over you.
  • Access to all (10) training videos walking you through getting a job from the very first baby step.
  • PAES Newsletter Issue #32: How to Have Them Drooling Over You With Even Less Experience than a Common Garden Gnome. Getting a Job Without Any Experience

You'll also get these 12 Fantastic Bonuses

  • 7 advanced training videos - Super easy to listen to or watch right on your phone on the go and packed with tips, tricks, and techniques to get you where you want to go.
  • 2 amazing interviews with new grads who are in the trenches. They go over tactics and show you exactly what works. These two interviews are worth the entire price of admission, no doubt about it.
  • 1 recording of a One-on-One coaching call I did with a PA-C in a tough situation as she was heading into an interview.
  • One hour presentation just on the interview - this will make sure you've got all the pieces in place to land that dream job.
  • One group coaching call to get you moving!

In addition to the bonuses, you'll also be getting a sweet 20% off this weekend.

$188 --->> $150.40

<< 20% off this weekend >

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